Saturday, 16 May 2020

TCS Xplore Operations Rio

Ops Rio Assessment

Q1. For handling any emergency forces what kind of access should be provided to the associates

Answer: Break-glass

Q2. Name the 3-fold Focus in Operations brought by RiO

Answer: Discipline or Behavior
              Consistent and Proactive risk management
              Operations Excellence

Q3. What is importance of following a seed change management process?

Answer: Prompt handing of changes done to IT infrastructure inorder to minimize the impact of any related incidents upon services

Q4. Rigor in Operations(RO)=

Answer: Discipline in Execution. Pursuit of Excellence + Customer Experience

Q5. Human Error in application operations can lead to negative outcomes including addes expenses and customer dissatisfaction. Choose some of the best practices that can be adopted to avoid such errors

Answer: All of the above options


Ops Rio Final Assessment

Q1. The role of production support engineer requires

Answer: Right combination of technical and interpersonal skills

Q2. RIO Stands for

Answer: Rigor in Operations

Q3. Which one is not a puppet Specific supporting tool

Answer: Ansible

Q4. Which is of the following is an example for IT automation?

Answer: All of the above

Q5. _______ is an object used by Chel to define configuration specification

Answer: Recipes

Q6. The automation technology used in an enterprise can be considered which type of overall resources

Answer: Means of production

Q7. Name the pledge taken by support engineers to ensure they adhere to project discipline

Answer: Operations Pledge

Q8. Which SaaS platform allows you to monitor Cloud resources external to the cloud platform

Answer: Datadog

Q9. The main objectives of RiO as listed in RiO Charter are _____, _____, and _______.

Answer: Break Free, Zero Business Impact Best in Class Operations

Q10. Ron production support engineer is working for Royal Bank of Scotland. As part of periodic patch update he ran the script in production enviroment without prior testing. This leads to application outage

Answer: Ron should have tested the scipts in pre-produciontesting enviroment before applying directly in production.

Friday, 15 May 2020

AsCEnD Node JS

Node JS Fundamentals Assessment

Q1. What is Node.JS?

Answer: Node.js is a JavaScript based framework/platform built on Google Chrome's JavaScript V8 Engine.

Q2. Which of following command starts a REPL session?

Answer: $ node

Q3. Which of the following module is required for exception handling in Node?

Answer: domain module

Q4. Each type of Stream is an EventEmitter

Answer: TRUE

Q5. Which method of fs module is used to close a file?

Answer: fs.close(fd, callback)

Q6. Which of the following is true about readable stream?

Answer: Both

Q7. What is use of Underscore Variable in REPL session?

Answer: to get the last result

Q8. Which of the following is not a valid HTTP method?

Answer: header

Q9. What is Callback?

Answer: Callback is an asynchronous equivalent for a function

Q10. Which of the following command will show all the modules installed globally

Answer: $ npm ls -g

Q11. Which of the following is true about RESTful web services?

Answer: Both of the above

Q12. Why code written in Node JS is pretty fast although being written in JavaScript

Answer: Being built on Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript Engine

Q13. How Node based web servers are different from traditional web servers?

Answer: Node based server uses a single threaded model and can services much larger number of requests than traditional server ke Apache HTTP Server

Q14. A stream fires end event when there is no more data to read

Answer: TRUE

Q15. Which of the following statement is valid to use a Node module http in a Node based applicaban?

Answer: var http = require ("http')

Q16. Node js is a single threaded application but supports concurrency

Answer: TRUE

Q17. Which of the following is true about __filename global object?

Answer: Both

Q18. Which of the following is true about File I/O in Node applications?

Answer: Both

Q19. Which of the following is true about EventEmitter emit property?

Answer: emit property is used to fire an event

Q20. REPL stands for ?

Answer: Read Eval Print Loop

Q21. All APIs of Node JS are ?

Answer: Asynchronous

Q22. Which of the following is true about global objects in Node applications?

Answer: Both

Q23. In which of the following areas, Node.js is perfect to usd

Answer: All of these options

Q24. Which of the following is true about package json?

Answer: All of these options

Q25. Is console a global object?

Answer: TRUE

Q26. Which of the following is true about Node JS?

Answer: All of these options

Q27. Which of the following is true about _dirname global object?

Answer: The __dirname represents the name of the directory that the currently executing scnpt resides in

Q28. Which of the following module is required for operating system specific operation?

Answer: None of these options

Q29. In which of the following areas, Node.js is not advised to be used?

Answer: CPU intensive applications

Q30. By default, npm installs any dependency in the global mode.

Answer: FALSE

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Career Edge - Knockdown the Lockdown

Knockdown the Lockdown Final Assessment

  • Business Skills

Q1. There are different types of Corporate Dress Codes Choose among the options, which of the given is correct

Answer: All the options are correct.

Q2. What does BCC stand for?

Answer: Blind Carbon Copy

Q3. The structure of a functional resume should start with which of the given information?

Answer: Contact Information

Q4. Which among the given options is not an element of non-verbal communication?

Answer: Name of the Speaker

Q5. Choose among the options given, how can people use verbal communication?

Answer: Verbal Communication can happen face-to-face, through telephone or any other digital media where words and sound can be exchanged.

Q6. Which of the given quality should be exhibited in Group Discussions.

Answer: Subjective

Q7. Which among the given options should be avoided during a Group Discussion?

Answer: Speaking Fast

Q8. The first 4 of the 5W's of a presentation includes the following
Why am I speaking?
Who is my audience?
Where will I speak?
When will I speak?
Choose the last "W" from the options given.

Answer: What is the message?

Q9. Choose among the options, the best approach towards effective presentation

Answer: All of the options are correct

Q10. Interview preparation before the interview should include which among the given options?

Answer: All of the options are correct

Q11. In an interview, if you do not know an answer, what should you do? Choose among the options given.

Answer: Admit that you do not know and can learn

Q12. Soft skills are the basic requirement for any job. Which among the options is not a soft skill?

Answer: Typing skills

Q13. Which of the given options list correctly soft and hard skills

Answer: Soft Skills - Interpersonal Skills, Problem Solving Skills
              Hard Skills - Programming, Marketing skills

Q14. In a telephone conversation, what is important about the voice communicating? Choose the best option.

Answer: All of the options are important and need to be managed properly

Q15. What should be the mannerism, when puing a caller on hold? Choose the best option

Answer: As It is okay to put the caller in held

  • Accounting Fundamental

Q1. If a business purchases on credit from a supplier how would the supplier be referred to for the business. Choose the most appropriate among the options given

Answer: Debtor

Q2. Which of the given options is NOT an accounting principle?

Answer: Goodwill

Q3. Which type of Asset is Copyright A/C. Cheese among the options given.

Answer: Intangible

Q4. Following the rules of Debit and Credil, choose which account does the given particular pertain to All Expenses and Losses

Answer: Nominal

Q5. The company purchases a significant amount of supplies on credt Which of the gven options are correct considering Accounting Equation

Answer: Assets - Increase External Liabilities: Increase

  • IT Fundamental

Q1. When a web page is requested from a browser, the HTTP request provide header information which comes from browser side?

Answer: Connection

Q2. Which of the HTTP method when used in the method field, leaves entity body empty. Choose among the options given

Answer: GET

Q3. Which tag can be used to display an image to a web page?

Answer: img

Q4. Choose the HTML element from the options given that is used to define a multi-line input field?

Answer: textarea

Q5. Choose the HTML attribute to define inline styles

Answer: style

  • Awareness on Artificial Intelligence

Q1. Choose the appropriate characteristics of an intelligent agent

Answer: Both the options are correct

Q2. Wir search uses the problem specific knowledge in addition to the definition of the problem statement. Choose the correct option

Answer: Informed Search

Q3. Choose the most appropriate basic types of inferences from the options given.

Answer: Convert rules to Horn Clause, reduce to Propositional Logic

Q4. Which among the options given, best describe an auto-associative network?

Answer: Neural network that contains feedback

Q5. The major tasks of NLP includes which among the given options?

Answer: All the options are correct

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

AsCEnD Test Automation

Test Automation Assessment

Q1. By Default, time for WAITFOR command is _____. 

Answer: 30sec

Q2. In case of selenium IDE, source view shows your script in

Answer: XML format

Q3. If you wanted to access the element that has the text "This element has an ID that changes every time the page is loaded" in it, then which of the following is used

Answer: //div[contains(@id,'time_')]

Q4. Assert command will check whether the element is on the page, if it is not then the test will carry on executing

Answer: TRUE

Q5. The method used to find a web element is ______.

Answer: findElement()

Q6. In webdriver which of the following is/are a valid select statement that selects a value from a drop down element?




Q7. What can be used to configure the number of browsers that can be used parallel in the remote system

Answer: max Session

Q8. What is the default port number used by hub in selenium?

Answer: 4444

Q9. Test types supported by selenium are

             functional testing

             regression testing

Q10. Which of the following is not a driver available in selenium webdriver ?

Answer: MicrosoftDriver

Q11. The method used to enter text in a textbox in Selenium WebDriver is

Answer: sendkeys()

Q12. Selenium variables are stored in ___________.

Answer: storedVars

Q13. Which two commands you use to validate a button?



Q14. What does below code snippet represent dnver findElement(By.xpath("//input[@id='search']")).click();

Answer: finds the web element based on relative xpath and click on the same

Q15. What does the below code snippet implies?boolean sample = driver findElement(By Xpath("radio button Xpath)

Answer: check the state of a radio button

Q16. submit() method can be used to

Answer: Submit the button

Q17. In webdiver, what is the method that counts the number of elements?

Answer: driver findElement(By id("search")).size()

Q18. Selenium Grid allows us to run multiple instances of WebDriver or Selenium Remote Control in parallel

Answer: True

Q19. Which command can be used to retrieve the innerText value contained within an element in webdriver

Answer: getText()

Q20. In webdriver, selectAllOptions() is an invalid command

Answer: False

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

TCS Xplore Know Your TCS Final Assessment

KYT - Final Assessment

Q1. You have developed a new ordering system for your client. Client approached you post production of the new system. As you have developed it, you thought to copy thecode and send it to your personal mail for your future reference. Is it acceptable?

Answer: You should not save the code for reference.

Q2. When Tata airlines, a division of Tata sons is established?

Answer: 1932

Q3. Which Characteristics of Big Data deals with Trustworthiness of data?

Answer: Veracity

Q4. Click Stream analytic is associated with which characteristic of big data?

Answer: Velocity

Q5. Medical Robots can perform surgical Operations independely

Answer: False

Q6. Artificial intelligence can not be used in health care as this involves Doctors and Patients.

Answer: False

Q7. Which’s India’s first indigenously designed and manufactured car?

Answer: Tata Indica

Q8.  We use Natural Language Processing for reviewing Twitter Feeds.

Answer: True

Q9. Which of the method is used by humans while making judgements?

Answer: Intutive based

Q10. What are the 4v”s of big data?

Answer: volume velocity veracity variety

Q11. The change of mind set is required from “Optimizing Scarce Resources” to Harnessing Abundance” will help in

Answer: Leveraging ecosystems.

Q12. Who’s the founder of Tata group?

Answer: Jamsetji Tata

Q13. For the organizations that aren’t currently looking to do big data analytics there is a little or no benefit to examining the data they’re retaining and evaluating how it’s being used.

Answer: False

Q14. What is the change of mindset Business 4.0 is looking at when it comes to embracing risks?

Answer: embracing risks and adapt and transform continuously.

Q15. Robots can be used for building houses.

Answer: True

Q16. Who formalized the Code of Conduct?

Answer: Ratan tata

Q17. The field that investigates the mechanics of human intelligence is

Answer: Cognitive science

Q18. After the successful completion of a project, the client gifted a Diamond ring to the on site project manager. What should the manager do?

Answer: Inform the client about our company’s gifts and hospitality policy and reject the gift.

Q19. In the 1990’s which company did TATA Steel acquire?

Answer: Corus

Q20. How many independently operating companies re there under TATA group?

Answer: Over 100

Monday, 11 May 2020

AsCEnD Machine Learning

Machine Learning Assessment

Q1. 100 articles need to divide based on content like sports, Business Entertainment Which ML Model is

Answer: Clustering

Q2. Target Variable also called as in Machine Learning?

Answer: All are correct

Q3. How do you handle missing or corrupted data in a dataset?

Answer: Replace missing values with mean/median/mode

Q4. Identify which of the following is/are preprocessing steps?

Answer: All are correct

Q5. Which of the following is Machine Learning Type?

Answer: Both

Q6. Which of the following approach is supervised Learning?

Answer: All Are Correct

Q7. Clustering approach is example for which type of learning?

Answer: Unsupervised Learning

Q8. A feature G1 can take certain value A, B, C, D, E & F and represents grade of students from a University Which of the following statement is true in following case?

Answer: Feature G1 is an example of ordinal variable

Q9. Please identify what is the purpose of below code?
>>>from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer >>>imp = Imputer(missing values=0, strategy='mean', axis=0) >>>imp fit_transform(X_train)

Answer: Code replacing Missing values in dataset with Mean

Q10. Which of the following is a good test dataset characteristic?

Answer: All Are Correct

Q11. What is the input to the Machine Learning Model?

Answer: Data and Output

Q12. What is the purpose of performing cross-validation 2

Answer: All Are Connected

Q13. Machine Learning is subset of?

Answer: Artificial Intelligence

Q14. What is Machine Learning?

Answer: All are correct

Q15. Identify Outlier in below data?

Answer: 99

Sunday, 10 May 2020

AsCEnD Mongo DB

Mongo DB Fundamentals Assessment

Q1. Which of the following are popular columnar databases?

Answer: All are correct

Q2. Collection and a document in MongoDB is equivalent to which of the SL concepts respectively

Answer: Table and Row

Q3. is the command in mongodb that is equivalent of SQL's truncate

Answer: db.col.remove()

Q4. What is the name of default storage engine in MongoDB?

Answer: MMAPV1

Q5. The following statement is True or False?

NoSQL database is not viewed as a replacement to RDBMS but Rather, a complementary addition to RDBMS and SQL.

Answer: FALSE

Q6. What does the following query do when performed on the posts collection?


Answer: Both B & C

Q7. _________ is the method used to limit the records in mongoDB.

Answer: Limit()

Q8. Objectid is a 12-byte BSON type in which the last 3 bytes represent

Answer: The machine identifier

Q9. MongoDB is a leading NoSQL classified as a document-oriented database State True or False?

Answer: TRUE

Q10. ________ is the method used to display results in a formatted way

Answer: Preety()

Q11. Which of the following is equilant opeartor on NoSQL for SQL SELECT operator?

Answer: $out

Q12. You want to return maximum 10 matching documents that will return with only the id name and address fields. Which of the following queries will you use?

Answer: db.users.find({age: {$gt:18}}, {name:1, address:1}).limit(10)

Q13. Which of the following are NOSQL Traits?

Answer: All are correct

Q14. Which of the following are correct classification of NoSQL databases?

Answer: All are correct

Q15. Which among the following is the way to access the different documents in the result set?

Answer: Sort