Saturday 9 May 2020

AsCEnD Advanced DotNet

DotNet Advanced Concepts Assessment

Q1. Number of threads that exists for each of the processes that occurs in the program

Answer: Atleast 1

Q2. Which of the following statement is correct?

Answer: Anonymous types are class types that derive directly from object.

Q3. We can create nested anonymous type

Answer: TRUE

Q4. Choose the namespace which supports multithreading program

Answer: System Threading

Q5. What is the correct statement about lambda expression?

Answer: The return type of lambda expression can be neglected in some cases

Q6. Which of these methods of Thread class is used to Suspend a thread for a period of time?

Answer: sleep()

Q7. Select the type of multitasking methods that exist

Answer: Process based and thread based

Q8. Choose the correct statement about process-based multitasking

Answer: Both

Q9. What types of Objects can you query using LINQ?

Answer: All of the above

Q10. LINQ is ____________.

Answer: Language Integrated Query

Q11. Which of the following supports LINQ queries?

Answer: All of the above

Q12. What LINQ expressions are used to shape results in a query

Answer: Group & Select

Q13. Correct syntax for declaring anonymous type

Answer: var Emp=new {ID=106,Name="Priya"};

Q14. Which LINQ keyword is used to categorize results in a query?

Answer: group

Friday 8 May 2020

Game of Skills - SQL Warriors

SQL Warriors

Q1. As part of New ways of learning' Initiative. TCS engages candidates through Digital technologies, Hackathons and Biz Play

Answer: YES

Q2. You have missed the survey to provide location and date for proctored assessment. You would like to attend the upcoming assessment in the loan centre which is near to your home. You can attend the assessment if you have a copy of your offer letter.

Answer: NO

Q3. Back Ground check (BGC) is not applicable for all new joinees.

Answer: NO

Q4. You are allowed to take proctored assessments until you receive joining letter

Answer: YES

Q5. During proctored assessment, you noticed that your reference number in the allocated system is not right but name matches. It is ok to continue the exam as long as your name matches.

Answer: NO

Q6. If you clear proctored assessment with Boy and above, you will get readiness and competency Incentives

Answer: YES

Q7. Both, Readiness & Competency Incentive are recoverable from the Employee, the associate resigns & leaves service within 12 months

Answer: YES

Q8. Your friend and you got the TCS offer letter on the same day. Your friend has access to Xplore courses. She is really enjoying the courses and scaling up her knowledge. You have not yet accepted TCS offer letter, but would like to access xplore courses. Will it be possible?

Answer: NO

Q9. Is it mandatory to have PAN card before joining TCS?

Answer: YES

Q10. Your friend got offer from other organisation and he accepted it. He is y curious to know about TCS xplore program. He asked your credentials to check the courses. There is no harm in sharing login credentials as he is your best friend.

Answer: NO

Thursday 7 May 2020

TCS Xplore Hackathon Java - Hackerrank SQL

Unit - Hackerrank Activities - SQL

Q1. Employee Count in Each Department(Department wise)

Write the SQL query to display the name of the department along with the count of employees working in it.

select Departments.deptName,COUNT(Employees.eDeptId) From departments LEFT Join Employees on Departments.deptId=Employees.eDeptId Group By Departments.deptId,Departments.deptName Order by count(Employees.eDeptId) Desc, departments.deptName;

Q2. Display Department Details

Write the SQL query to print the department id and name of the respective Department for all the departments which are located in Ground Floor

select Dept_Id,Dept_Name from Department where Dept_Location='Ground Floor';

Q3.Display non-Programmer Department name

Write the SQL query to print the names of the departments which does not have any Programmers.

select distinct Dept_name from Departments,Employees where Dept_ID=Emp_Dept_Id and Dept_name not in (select distinct Dept_name from Departments,Employees where Dept_id=Emp_Dept_Id and Emp_Skill like'Programmer');

Wednesday 6 May 2020

AsCEnD Bigdata

AsCEnD Bigdata Assessment

Q1. Which of the following is component of Hadoop?

Answer: All Are Correct

Q2. Which of the following is a common reason to restart hadoop process?

Answer: All Are Correct

Q3. The output key of the Mapper must be identical to the Input key of the reducer.

Answer: FALSE

Q4. Which of the file contains the configuration settings for HDFS daemons?

Answer: All Are Connected

Q5. What is a combiner ?

Answer: Runs Locally on a single Mappers output

Q6. The archive file created in Hadoop has the exteNsion of ?

Answer: har

Q7. Which of the following is component of Hadoop?

Answer: All Are Correct

Q8. Which command is used to copy file or directories recursively in Hadoop?

Answer: dcp

Q9. Hadoop works in which model?

Answer: Master-slave fashion

Q10. Which of the following is a column-oriented database that runs on top of HDFS?

Answer: Hbase

Q11. The client reading the data from HDFS file system in Hadoop does which or the following?

Answer: Get only the block locations for the namenode

Q12. Secondary Name Node is the backup of Name Node?

Answer: FALSE

Q13. You have the following key value pairs as output from your Map task
(the t)
(fox 1)
(faster 1)
(than 1)
(the 1)
(dog 1)
How many keys will be passed to the Reducer ?

Answer: 5

Q14. Zero reducers are allowed in Map Reduce?

Answer: TRUE

Q15. What is Replication Factor?

Answer: Replication factor controls how many times each individual block can be replicated

Tuesday 5 May 2020

AsCEnD Devops

AsCEnD Devops Assessment

Q1. DevOps is focused on ________.

Answer: Test Automation

Q2. Which automation practice helps in quick identification of any problem in production environment

Answer: Continuous Deployment

Q3. In DevOps, How often you should deploy your code to production environment

Answer: Daily

Q4. In DevOps, which team gets priority ?

Answer: Development

Q5. The process of frequently merging of codes automatically is called

Answer: Continuous Integration

Q6. Continuous Delivery is the process of __________.

Answer: Frequent deployment to production

Q7. CICD stands for ___________.

Answer: Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery

Q8. Infrastructure As A Code (IAAS) refers to

Answer: Managing Infrastructure As Code using Automation

Q9. The Benefit of CI

Answer: Early Detection of Bugs

Q10. The key pain area prior to DevOps was

Answer: Collaboration between Development and Operation

Q11. DevOps is a ___________.

Answer: Culture

Q12. DevOps Stands for _________________.

Answer: Development Operations

Q13. Jenkins is a _________.

Answer: CI Tool

Q14. DevOps is an extension of ________.

Answer: Agile