Thursday 30 April 2020

Game of Skills - Technical Awareness

Technical Awareness

Q1. Which element is used in the <HEAD> section on an HTML/XHTMLpage, if we want to use and external style sheet file to decorate the page?

Answer: <link>

Q2. Which of the following will not be found on <head> section?

Answer: <Table>

Q3. What will be the purpose of exec() in the following JavaScript code?

var pattern - /Java /g;
var text - 'JavaScript is more fun than Java!';
var result;
while ((result- pattem.exec(text)) != null)
alert('Matched' + result[0] "+" at position' + result index+';
next search begins at' + pattern.lastIndex);

Answer: Returns the same kind of array whether or not the regular expression has the global g flag

Q4. The tag used to create a new list item and also include a hyperlink is _________.

Answer: <LI>

Q5. The tag used for creating hypertext and hypermedia ____________.

Answer: <A>

Q6. URL in HTML stands for _________.

Answer: Uniform Resource Locator

Q7. For checking a regular expression in input fields of HTML forms which attribute is used?

Answer: <pattem>

Q8. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using JavaScript?

Answer: All of the above

Q9. Which one is the correct CSS syntax

Answer: Body {color: Black}

Q 10. Which of the above statements are correct about CSS?

1.CSS stands for Console Style Sheets.
2. External style sheets are stored in CSS files.
3. We can set the color of borders in CSS.

Answer: 1 and 3.

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